Football Coaches have the unique ability to influence and impact the lives of our youth for good or for bad.  That's why we at Longs Peak Jr. All American Football are looking for honorable men and women to guide our kids.  Decency, Patience and Firm Guidance along with much Grace and Forgiveness...then the Xs and Os.

We all know the old saying...."They don't care how much you know, until they know how much you care"... so.... We go First...We Lead The Way! 

 Football is a game filled with high emotions....and when we blow it... and we will...we want our kids and families to show us in return what we have first modeled for them...We Lead The Way! Father coaches are great and are welcome and desired, as long as it's not just about your child.  Those who coach just for the love of the kids and the game are immensely valued!  Only apply if you are looking to make a  positive impact on our kids...helping them live up to their GOD given potential, both on and off the field...To be there for them,  to love them and encourage them through all the hard work,  adversity and ups and downs of competition.  Demonstrate to them how to handle both winning and losing in appropriate ways.  We want them to learn the game, love the game and go on to play as far into the future as possible, but most of all we want to coach them up to learn to be part of something so much bigger than themselves...TEAM! (Together Everyone Achieves More)!  Yes...we play to win...but is the score at the end of the game going to be what they remember the most?   

Longs Peak operates with a Christian World View.  We treat all kids and families in a Christ like manner to the best of our abilities...We Lead The Way!

8th Grade Mavericks - Coach Brendan O'keefe

Greetings everyone! I am Coach Brendan, and I am incredibly thrilled to be a part of your sons' lives. Being a father to four boys and a husband to an amazing queen, I understand the pivotal stage your sons are in as they transition into young men. This is a crucial time, and I am committed to providing them with the support and guidance they need. Having observed my own children in sports and under different coaching styles, I made a decision two years ago to change their experience. Coming from an imperfect family and an imperfect world, I had imperfect coaches growing up. I share this with you to emphasize that I am not striving for perfection. However, I recognize that my most important role as a coach is to ensure your son's safety, acknowledge their presence, offer support, and most importantly, show them love. 

 As a coach, my primary goal at this age is for the kids to have fun, while also fostering a genuine love and camaraderie among teammates. I firmly believe in the power of cohesion and a team that truly cares for one another. Although I did not play collegiate sports, I am a certified coach through the Three Dimensional Training Institute. The three fundamentals of three-dimensional coaching are skill set, mindset, and heart set, with the heart set being the most crucial dimension. I am not just a coach who focuses on the technical aspects; I aim to bring about transformation in the lives of these young individuals. A coach's purpose is to guide someone important from where they are to where they aspire to be. In my eyes, each and every one of these boys is important. Their best efforts are sufficient, but their best will be expected. Let's make this season an incredible one!

8th Grade Warriors - Coach Cliff Elbourn

God often uses everyday objects to demonstrate His glory. What is in your hand that God can use—a coach’s whistle, a striped Ref's jersey, a paint brush, a baking dish? Heavenly Father, You are my Creator, and You have given me life and a season to serve. Grant me an understanding heart so I might learn to honor You in all I do—may Your power be demonstrated through my willing obedience to use whatever You place into my hand. In Jesus' name, amen.

28 Years Youth Football Coach

7 Years Longs Peak Jr All American Football Director

An imperfect man with a heart for our kids...especially our boys.  Every time we turn around, society labels our boys as "toxic", self centered, potential predators.  I don't believe that!   I believe that youth football and all that is involved...the  love, respect, dedication, discipline, hard work, commitment, team work, endurance and Grit that it takes to participate in this warrior sport are great building blocks to build honorable men, fathers, and leaders of the future.  Our boys, becoming good men is of utmost importance if we are to continue to be a "good people". 

That being goal is to help build a love for the game, a love for their teammates, a focus on the building blocks so that they can move forward to play this great game in High School while representing their football program on campus and beyond as good and honorable young men.

"Courage is the ability to do the right thing, all the time, no matter how painful or uncomfortable it might be."   Tony Dungy 

Statistics tell us that more than 90% of all kids will never play another down of football after High School...why limit their opportunity to play the greatest game there is to just 4 years of High School???  We encourage tackle football from the age of 8 years old  and is about so much more than just "the game"!  We believe that kids should get a chance to participate in all the fun, friendships, challenges, life lessons and life long interpersonal relationships with peers and coaches that they get from competing in tackle football.  We also believe, that limiting those experiences to the very small slice of life , which is the 4 years of high school, is such a missed opportunity for growing and guiding young athletes into learning how to be a part of something so much bigger than "self".   Let's play some Football~!